I am a mess


I am a mess


The ‘I am a mess’ sticker acknowledges that life can be chaotic. If you’re having a rough time, this sticker conveys that it is okay not to have it all together. It is a reminder not to be too hard on yourself. By owning our struggles and imperfections, we can find acceptance and compassion for ourselves.





Do you find this sticker amsusing? Great! Laughter is always a great way to bring some joy to our day.

I BOO you


I BOO you


This sticker pictures a rather cute ghost holding up a heart. It's expressing its feelings towards you.





This donut is not edible, but very cute. The hole in the middle of the donut is shaped like a dog. 





This cat is made out of icecream, melting on a cone.

spill the tea


spill the tea


The ‘spill the tea’ sticker is a popular social media graphic that is typically used to indicate the sharing of gossip. Are you one to gossip? Then this sticker is the right one for you! Spill the tea whenever you want.

coffee mug


coffee mug


This coffee mug stick has a relatable message for all the coffee enjoyers out there. The sticker reads ‘I haven’t slept’ indicating that the person needs a caffeine boost to get through the day.

vampire bite


vampire bite


The phrase 'I don't bite' is often used to reassure someone that they won't be harmed or attacked. It is a lighthearted way of saying that someone is approachable and friendly, and not to be feared. It is used in various situations to indicate that there is no need to be cautious or hesitant in interacting with them.

But what if you do bite? :>

thorned rose


thorned rose


A beautiful rose drawing with the caption 'I still have my thorns'. The caption stands for not having opened up your personality and still holding up your guard around others. Will you ever lose your thorns?

no thoughts


no thoughts


Sometimes there is simply nothing going on in our head.

A socially awkward sticker can be a humorous and relatable way for individuals to express their struggles with social interactions.

you are a star


you are a star


You are a star, don't forget that.